
我们的实习故事(一)/Story for our internship(1)

Cindy's story
Nearly four-week-internship in AKSHAYA PATRA is coming to an end with the memory fresh about the emotions mixed with uneasy fear and trembling, expectation and nervous.

The first time to know about and work in an NGO.

AKSHAYA PATRA,世界最大的厨房工厂,从它成立的那一天起,就与孩子,消除饥饿,支持教育结缘。它的愿景,XXXX,比起很多国际基金会、NGO的关爱人类自身发展、消除贫穷之类宏大的愿景,我更喜欢它略显简单的愿景。
From the first it was born, AKSHAYA PATRA, the biggest kitchen in the world, is related with children, hunger and education. I prefer its vision---No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.”,compared with lots of slogans of other foundations and NGOs---to improve the development of human and eliminate poverty forever, as it seems simple and pure.

送到孩子们手中的是一份份热腾腾的午餐,更是一份持久的关怀。记得我们第一次去一所政府公立小学,孩子们都不会说英语,我们用简单的英语告诉他们,我们来自AKSHAYA PATRA,孩子们立马便说,午餐,每天。两个简单的单词,还有脸上的笑容,我想已经是每一个工作在AKSHAYA PATRA人的骄傲。
It is a fresh mid-day meal but also a constant care for the children.
We went to a government primary school, where the students can’t speak English. When we told them that we were from AKSHAYA PATRA, children replied instantly, lunch, everyday. Two simple words and the pure smile, are the pride of everyone in AKSHAYA PATRA.

Lunch and everyday are two simple but warm words from them. Day after day for over 10 years, their mission is to deliver the fresh lunch to children’s hands. This is a direct and effective style of doing commonweal, which calls for initiative and perseverance.

国内,爱心午餐计划前阵掀起微公益热浪,引来众多明星加入。可是到目前为止,仍在期待取得里程碑似的改变。AKSHAYA PATRA在爱心午餐方面,拥有那么多值得借鉴的经验。
The mid-day lunch program attracts big attention from the public. Many famous people joined the program to advertise or promote it. Unfortunately, it calls for milestone-like opportunity to be advanced or reformed into a sustainable program. AKSHAYA PATRA has rich experience in that aspect.

I want to talk about my harvest in emotional part.

第一次见到老板,他是个年轻、上进的小伙子。暗想,他一定是个严厉,不苟言笑的认真的老板。他说要想做好这件事,要真正的从情感上FEEL.每天都要接很多很多的电话,不停的签字,处理各个部门的事情。我觉得他很有想法,也很爱在AKSHAYA PATRA的工作,这也就是他常说的满意的工作吧。
The first sight at our boss---a young and promising male, a strict and careful boss in my guess. He told us the first day, if you want to do the project well, you must feel for it, from heart.
he received lots of phone calls everyday, dealt with endless issues from different departments.
He is fond of his job here, the satisfactory job I guess he told us before.

每天的工作很简单,阅读大量的关于AKSHAYA PATRA的资料,参观厨房,建博客,在各大网站宣传,写邮件投稿,偶尔去参观小学,让生活变得多彩一点。
The work here is simple---read about the materials about AKSHAYA PATRA, set up and update the blog, advertise our blog and email to editors of the famous website and sometimes visit to schools making life vivid.

Every time we visit schools with the aim to get some photos of children having their lunch peacefully but failed with the crowd of children, excited with the delight of seeing foreigners. Once step into the campus, children gathered around us. Although they can’t speak English, they consisted on asking us “where are you from, what’s your name, do you love India?”, cute questions.

We didn’t stay long in the campus and left with the continually byebye.

AKSHAYA PATRA,有很多愿意为孩子而留在这里工作的人。一次和一个刚毕业不久的同事聊天,在来到AKSHAYA PATRA前他在食品行业工作,他说,在这里工作很多的收获是不能用薪水来衡量的。他说,这是他想做的。真的希望自己工作后能够找到真正想要的。办公室的靠窗边的那位中年同事,每次看到我们总是和蔼的冲我们笑,当我问及她为什么要选择在这里工作,她开心的说,在这里可以为孩子做点事。
Once chatting with one colleague graduated not long, he worked in the food industry before came here. He said to me many harvests are hard to measure with salary and this is want he wants. Another middle-aged female colleague said happily she is able to do something for children.

在这里的近一个月生活,过的很简单。甚至比校园里还简单。上下班,做饭,睡觉,偶尔吃餐馆。却让我懂得,平静而平淡的生活中,多么需要目标和动力。在AKSHAYA PATRA的工作中,让我学会,找到自己想要的生活就是幸福。


It is soon that we will leave. The bored feeling several days ago changed into miss here. I even start to miss the smell floated everyday from the kitchen and the passionate greetings from the safety guard every morning.

