
AKSHAYA PATRA世界最大厨房工厂游记/The visit to AKSHAYA PATRA’s kitchen

81日早上8点,我们来到AKSHAYA PATRA的厨房参观他们是如何准备午餐.
8:00am,1st, August, we started our visit in the kitchen in AKSHAYA PATRA.

Every 7:00am, staff begins to prepare the meals.
First, we arrived at the warehouse. To meet the hygien requirement, one has to wear one-time-use shower cap and wear the provided slippery to avoid stuff falling into the materials.

仓库里整齐的摆放着成吨的大米,AKSHAYA PATRA的大米全部由政府提供,每天都会消耗将近14吨的大米。蔬菜、香料等其他食材由AKSHAYA PATRA自行在固定市场采购。以下是部分食材的储存图片。
Tons of rice lay in order in the warehouse. The rice is offered by government, with day-consumption of nearly 14 tons. Vegetables and spices are purchased by AKSHAYA PATRA. The followings are the pictures of the storage.
JAGGERY 一种香料用来调味SAMBAR/JAGGERY----a spice to cook sambar

整齐的摆放着成吨的大米。/Tons of bags of rice lay in order.


The first to cook rice is to pour the raw rice into a huge machine, called RICE CLEANING MACHINE. Every 9:30am, bags of rice are poured into the machine to be pushed up and down. Thus, the stone, cotton is divided with the rice. According to the staff, a day’s consumption will reach 14 tons or so.

大米开始进入清洗程序。此道程序在厨房工厂的三楼进行。在这道工序前,大米由RICE&DAL BATCHING SYSTEM清洗然后盛放桶里,工作人员之后迅速而熟练的向桶里盛水、运送桶到输米口(见图)送到二楼进行蒸煮。
Then the rice goes into the washing procedure, which takes place at the third floor of the kitchen.
Before cooked, rice is washed by the RICE&DAL BATCHING SYSTEM, then into the containers.
The staff will fill the container with water and then delivered the rice into next step.

大米正在装进桶中。只需按一下按钮,大米便按照设定的数量进入桶中。/The set amount of rice is being poured into the container automatically with a button to press by staff.

The staff is filling the container with water, then lay them onto the puller to deliver.

The big pipe reached to the second floor. There are 3 floors to cook------third floor for washing the rice, second for cooking, and first floor for delivery and unloading.

接下来,我们便随工作人员进入到了2楼。2楼分布着COOLING ROOM,里面存放着当天要用的蔬菜。每天将会消耗7吨左右的蔬菜。这些蔬菜由AKSHAYA PATRA自行采购。
Next, we visited the second floor’s cooling room, where the vegetables for daily use are stored.
The day-consumption reaches 7-8tons, purchased by staff everyday.

Every morning, staff will clean and cut the vegetables, then into the boilers for sambar, with various local spices. The steamy and hot sambar is ready after 90 minutes.
On the second floor, 10 boilers for rice and 8 boilers for sambar are laid on the both sides.
The capacity of each boiler for rice is 125KG, feeding 1000 children, while the sambar in each boiler feeds 6000 children. The rice needs 15-20 minutes, while the sambar needs 90 minutes.
工作人员正在搅动米饭/The staff are cooking the rice by stirring.

蒸好的米饭在出锅/The rice is ready.

Sambar已经做好/The sambar is made.

下图中,切好的蔬菜正在由管道进入锅中进行烹饪。在AKSHAYA PATRA的厨房,你可以感受到生产线的烹饪方式-----成规模且规范化,人工只需控制所需的时间、温度、水分等因素即可,这也进一步加强了卫生的标准。
The cut vegetables are going through the pipes into the boiler.
Here, in AKSHAYA PATRA, you will see the automatic producing line of mid-day meals, which brings scales of economics, strict and advanced standards. Human controls the time, temperature and water needed only, which highlights higyien requirements.

蔬菜正在进入锅中。/ the cut vegetables are poured into the boiler.

这一张图,是否像融化巧克力的机器在运作呢?/does it resemble the scene of melting machine for chocolate liquids?

The ready-made food pass through the similar pipe into the first floor. The staff needs to place the container below something like taps to fill it. Then the containers filled with food are delivered by conveyor belt 

and load the vehicles by the staff.

A  vehicle’s capacity feeds about 10-15 schools.

The container can assure the food inside warm for 6 hours so that when the meals reach the children, they are of heat.

工作人员正在向锅炉中加燃料,因为煤的价格太高,AKSHAYA PATRA只能烧这种用木材加石头等混合的燃料。
The staff is adding some funnels-----due to the high price of coals, the kind of funnel mixed of woods, stones, and other stuff is used in AKSHAYA PATRA.

我们的参观结束了。每一天,AKSHAYA PATRA的爱心午餐就这样生产出来,到达每一个需要的孩子的手中。同时,爱心午餐是经过了ISO体系认证的~
Our visit finished today. Every morning, the mid-day meals are cooked as these steps, then reach to children's hands.
The meals are certified by the ISO system.

