
我们的实习故事(二)/Story of our internship(2)

                                     Angela's story
Far away from my country, I haven’t thought I whether I could change myself or not, or change others. We live in Dharward’s city centre. This is a city which only have a highway road cross. There is no entertainment, only can find some shops and banks. I think it as a country side. Everyday we go to work and back to the homestay, bored and pale.


One day we have a chance to visit a village school. There, green tree and red earth makes a shock eyes. Women, children and the olds stay in the village. We arrived the school, it’s not big. There’s a playground in front of the classroom and children play on it.

当我们下车,小孩子都既生怯又好奇的围了上来.渐渐的,越来越多.麦色偏黑的皮肤,乌黑略蜷的头发,大眼睛,是我对他们一致的印象.面庞都很相似,印在脑海里很模糊.只有一张张大大的笑脸才让人印象深刻.他们都不懂英语,但热切希望和我们说上话.能交流的只有那几句,你叫什么名字?你从哪里来?之类的.令我们好奇的是他们在这么闭塞的地方,竟然知道Jacky Chen和李小龙!!!哈哈!真让我们意外.
When we got off the car, children crowed with great curiosity and more and more children came to us. Brown skin, black hair, big eyes, it’s my impression. Everything is the same but big smile made a deep memory. They both don’t speak English, but they eager to talk with us. We can communicate with each other only with few sentences like what’s your name and where are you from. To our surprise, they know Jacky Chen and KengFu!!! How can they know that!?

After they saw our camera, they are excited. They really show their longing to take a photo. We are so moving, for their sincere. Maybe they will stay here for whole life, maybe we are the few foreigners they have seen, and maybe after seeing us let them know the great world, let them know that there are many different countries people living in the same world. Maybe we made their have new ideas about the world and life. Whatever, even we can change little, but we actually make a change.

Akshaya Patra将近一个月的时间里,我们也曾质疑过此行的意义,也曾抱怨过工作的重复性,也曾哀叹过没有娱乐的生活.但是到了最后,我想我们还是找到了属于这次旅程的意义所在.世界因我们而改变,哪怕是小小的博客,哪怕是那仅有的一瞥,哪怕是480小时的存在.
In the month, I have doubted the meaning about this summer, I have complained the boring job, I have felt sad about everyday is the same’ s life. However, in the end, I think we find the truth that why we are in India this summer. The world is changed by us, even is a small blog on the internet, even is some quick glance, even is only 480 hours stay.

我们的实习故事(一)/Story for our internship(1)

Cindy's story
Nearly four-week-internship in AKSHAYA PATRA is coming to an end with the memory fresh about the emotions mixed with uneasy fear and trembling, expectation and nervous.

The first time to know about and work in an NGO.

AKSHAYA PATRA,世界最大的厨房工厂,从它成立的那一天起,就与孩子,消除饥饿,支持教育结缘。它的愿景,XXXX,比起很多国际基金会、NGO的关爱人类自身发展、消除贫穷之类宏大的愿景,我更喜欢它略显简单的愿景。
From the first it was born, AKSHAYA PATRA, the biggest kitchen in the world, is related with children, hunger and education. I prefer its vision---No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.”,compared with lots of slogans of other foundations and NGOs---to improve the development of human and eliminate poverty forever, as it seems simple and pure.

送到孩子们手中的是一份份热腾腾的午餐,更是一份持久的关怀。记得我们第一次去一所政府公立小学,孩子们都不会说英语,我们用简单的英语告诉他们,我们来自AKSHAYA PATRA,孩子们立马便说,午餐,每天。两个简单的单词,还有脸上的笑容,我想已经是每一个工作在AKSHAYA PATRA人的骄傲。
It is a fresh mid-day meal but also a constant care for the children.
We went to a government primary school, where the students can’t speak English. When we told them that we were from AKSHAYA PATRA, children replied instantly, lunch, everyday. Two simple words and the pure smile, are the pride of everyone in AKSHAYA PATRA.

Lunch and everyday are two simple but warm words from them. Day after day for over 10 years, their mission is to deliver the fresh lunch to children’s hands. This is a direct and effective style of doing commonweal, which calls for initiative and perseverance.

国内,爱心午餐计划前阵掀起微公益热浪,引来众多明星加入。可是到目前为止,仍在期待取得里程碑似的改变。AKSHAYA PATRA在爱心午餐方面,拥有那么多值得借鉴的经验。
The mid-day lunch program attracts big attention from the public. Many famous people joined the program to advertise or promote it. Unfortunately, it calls for milestone-like opportunity to be advanced or reformed into a sustainable program. AKSHAYA PATRA has rich experience in that aspect.

I want to talk about my harvest in emotional part.

第一次见到老板,他是个年轻、上进的小伙子。暗想,他一定是个严厉,不苟言笑的认真的老板。他说要想做好这件事,要真正的从情感上FEEL.每天都要接很多很多的电话,不停的签字,处理各个部门的事情。我觉得他很有想法,也很爱在AKSHAYA PATRA的工作,这也就是他常说的满意的工作吧。
The first sight at our boss---a young and promising male, a strict and careful boss in my guess. He told us the first day, if you want to do the project well, you must feel for it, from heart.
he received lots of phone calls everyday, dealt with endless issues from different departments.
He is fond of his job here, the satisfactory job I guess he told us before.

每天的工作很简单,阅读大量的关于AKSHAYA PATRA的资料,参观厨房,建博客,在各大网站宣传,写邮件投稿,偶尔去参观小学,让生活变得多彩一点。
The work here is simple---read about the materials about AKSHAYA PATRA, set up and update the blog, advertise our blog and email to editors of the famous website and sometimes visit to schools making life vivid.

Every time we visit schools with the aim to get some photos of children having their lunch peacefully but failed with the crowd of children, excited with the delight of seeing foreigners. Once step into the campus, children gathered around us. Although they can’t speak English, they consisted on asking us “where are you from, what’s your name, do you love India?”, cute questions.

We didn’t stay long in the campus and left with the continually byebye.

AKSHAYA PATRA,有很多愿意为孩子而留在这里工作的人。一次和一个刚毕业不久的同事聊天,在来到AKSHAYA PATRA前他在食品行业工作,他说,在这里工作很多的收获是不能用薪水来衡量的。他说,这是他想做的。真的希望自己工作后能够找到真正想要的。办公室的靠窗边的那位中年同事,每次看到我们总是和蔼的冲我们笑,当我问及她为什么要选择在这里工作,她开心的说,在这里可以为孩子做点事。
Once chatting with one colleague graduated not long, he worked in the food industry before came here. He said to me many harvests are hard to measure with salary and this is want he wants. Another middle-aged female colleague said happily she is able to do something for children.

在这里的近一个月生活,过的很简单。甚至比校园里还简单。上下班,做饭,睡觉,偶尔吃餐馆。却让我懂得,平静而平淡的生活中,多么需要目标和动力。在AKSHAYA PATRA的工作中,让我学会,找到自己想要的生活就是幸福。


It is soon that we will leave. The bored feeling several days ago changed into miss here. I even start to miss the smell floated everyday from the kitchen and the passionate greetings from the safety guard every morning.




Dear Sir/Madam,

我们是中国大陆的在读大学生。此次暑假来印度参加了国际义工实习工作-----AKSHAYAPATRA, 世界上最大的厨房为印度的儿童提供免费、营养、定时的午餐。下文将介绍该组织,我们需要您的支持与资助!
We are university students from mainland, China. The summer vacation, we do volunteer work in India by participating in international internships with AKSHAYAPATRA. AKSHAYA PATRA owns the world's largest kitchen, by providing free, nutritious, regular lunch to Indian children to enable them to receive education. The followings are the descriptions about AKSHAYA PATRA, we need your support!

AKSHAYAPATRA成立于2000年,作为一个国际性的非政府组织,在消除儿童的饥饿方面卓有成绩。已经通过提供午餐帮助将近130万儿童免于辍学.其与当地政府的关系十分融洽,并获得来自政府的资金支持。组织的愿景为No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.”  AKSHAYAPATRA正在努力将愿景变为现实。

AKSHAYAPATRA was established in 2000, as an international non-governmental organization, aiming to eliminate hunger of children. Enabling Hunger free Education for nearly 1.3 million Children in India. The relationship with the local government goes well-------AKSHAYA PATRA gets financial support from the government.  The NGO’s vision is "No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.". AKSHAYAPATRA is trying to turn its vision into reality.


The surest way to break out of the cycle of poverty is through education. Education can significantly improve the quality of life of a family for generations to come. When the basic needs of a child, such as food are not met, education often becomes the last priority. As a result of lack of basic survival support, children in many parts of India, stay at home for some housework or chores instead of receiving education.  AKSHAYAPATRA is trying to provide basic living guarantee so that these children can return to school. 

对于AKSHAYA PATRA,消除儿童的饥饿在他们在看来,不是一种慈善,而是一种应该承担的社会责任。
For AKSHAYA PATRA, to eliminate child hunger in their view, not a charity, but a social responsibility should be.

企业的成长与欣欣向荣离不开社会大环境。通过资助NGO,尤其是像AKSHAYA PATRA这样在印度国内优秀、透明的NGO,企业不仅可以借此实现自己的社会责任,使捐出的善款得到最有效的利用,同时,因此而赢得的声誉、人心更会帮助企业更好的开拓市场。
Corporations can not realize its growth and prosperity without the social environment. By funding an NGO, especially as AKSHAYA PATRA, which enjoys high reputation in India, the corporation not only achieves
their corporate social responsibility by making the donations to the most effective use, what is more important is that the fame, reputation and society’s attention will help companies better develop.

AKSHAYA PATRA在善款利用方面具有以下优势:
1、  通过午餐计划,实实在在的看到善款的效果。虽然我们不否认其他类型的公益活动的效果,但是午餐计划无疑成为效果显著的佼佼者。您的每一笔善款,都将从采购、烹饪、运送等环节看到实际的善款去向与利用率。

AKSHAYA PATRA has following advantages in using the donations:

The effect of the donations is clear through the lunch program. Compared with other forms of voluntary programs, the lunch program will undoubtedly become a significant leader in the outcome of the donation-using.   Every sum of money will be used from clear steps from purchasing, cooking, delivery
    and other sectors to see the actual movement of money and utilization.

2、  AKSHAYA PATRA在财务方面的透明,便于您监督善款的使用。在该组织的主页,都会公布会计报表与会计指标。优秀、严谨的会计工作可以保证您随时了解善款的去向。
AKSHAYA PATRA does well in the transparency in the financial part, enabling you to monitor the use of money. In the organization's home page, AKSHAYA PATRA will announce financial statements and accounting indicators. Excellent, rigorous accounting to ensure you are always aware how the donations are going.

3、  AKSHAYA PATRA的资金来源中,有50%来自政府资金,可见印度政府对其的支持与资助力度。同时,政府批准的税收优惠政策作为您捐助善款的直接经济回报。间接的经济回报,比如同政府关系的加深等将回馈您的善举.
50% of AKSHAYA PATRA sources of funding come from government, indicating the strong support from the Indian government. Meanwhile, the government approved tax incentives for your contributions in charitable direct economic returns. Indirect economic returns, such as deepening of such relations with the government will back your charity.

目前,包括微软在内的知名企业资助了AKSHAYA PATRA的爱心午餐计划。相信,您的加入会使AKSHAYA PATRA的捐赠者队伍更加壮大!
Currently, the well-known companies, including Microsoft funded AKSHAYA PATRA’s mid-day program. Your joining will expand the donors list and create more social responsibility to the children!

Only 30$ can provide a child for a whole year’s lunch. We are expecting donation from you!

 Contact information: wangqianruaiesecswufe@gmail.com


AKSHAYA PATRA世界最大厨房工厂游记/The visit to AKSHAYA PATRA’s kitchen

81日早上8点,我们来到AKSHAYA PATRA的厨房参观他们是如何准备午餐.
8:00am,1st, August, we started our visit in the kitchen in AKSHAYA PATRA.

Every 7:00am, staff begins to prepare the meals.
First, we arrived at the warehouse. To meet the hygien requirement, one has to wear one-time-use shower cap and wear the provided slippery to avoid stuff falling into the materials.

仓库里整齐的摆放着成吨的大米,AKSHAYA PATRA的大米全部由政府提供,每天都会消耗将近14吨的大米。蔬菜、香料等其他食材由AKSHAYA PATRA自行在固定市场采购。以下是部分食材的储存图片。
Tons of rice lay in order in the warehouse. The rice is offered by government, with day-consumption of nearly 14 tons. Vegetables and spices are purchased by AKSHAYA PATRA. The followings are the pictures of the storage.
JAGGERY 一种香料用来调味SAMBAR/JAGGERY----a spice to cook sambar

整齐的摆放着成吨的大米。/Tons of bags of rice lay in order.


The first to cook rice is to pour the raw rice into a huge machine, called RICE CLEANING MACHINE. Every 9:30am, bags of rice are poured into the machine to be pushed up and down. Thus, the stone, cotton is divided with the rice. According to the staff, a day’s consumption will reach 14 tons or so.

大米开始进入清洗程序。此道程序在厨房工厂的三楼进行。在这道工序前,大米由RICE&DAL BATCHING SYSTEM清洗然后盛放桶里,工作人员之后迅速而熟练的向桶里盛水、运送桶到输米口(见图)送到二楼进行蒸煮。
Then the rice goes into the washing procedure, which takes place at the third floor of the kitchen.
Before cooked, rice is washed by the RICE&DAL BATCHING SYSTEM, then into the containers.
The staff will fill the container with water and then delivered the rice into next step.

大米正在装进桶中。只需按一下按钮,大米便按照设定的数量进入桶中。/The set amount of rice is being poured into the container automatically with a button to press by staff.

The staff is filling the container with water, then lay them onto the puller to deliver.

The big pipe reached to the second floor. There are 3 floors to cook------third floor for washing the rice, second for cooking, and first floor for delivery and unloading.

接下来,我们便随工作人员进入到了2楼。2楼分布着COOLING ROOM,里面存放着当天要用的蔬菜。每天将会消耗7吨左右的蔬菜。这些蔬菜由AKSHAYA PATRA自行采购。
Next, we visited the second floor’s cooling room, where the vegetables for daily use are stored.
The day-consumption reaches 7-8tons, purchased by staff everyday.

Every morning, staff will clean and cut the vegetables, then into the boilers for sambar, with various local spices. The steamy and hot sambar is ready after 90 minutes.
On the second floor, 10 boilers for rice and 8 boilers for sambar are laid on the both sides.
The capacity of each boiler for rice is 125KG, feeding 1000 children, while the sambar in each boiler feeds 6000 children. The rice needs 15-20 minutes, while the sambar needs 90 minutes.
工作人员正在搅动米饭/The staff are cooking the rice by stirring.

蒸好的米饭在出锅/The rice is ready.

Sambar已经做好/The sambar is made.

下图中,切好的蔬菜正在由管道进入锅中进行烹饪。在AKSHAYA PATRA的厨房,你可以感受到生产线的烹饪方式-----成规模且规范化,人工只需控制所需的时间、温度、水分等因素即可,这也进一步加强了卫生的标准。
The cut vegetables are going through the pipes into the boiler.
Here, in AKSHAYA PATRA, you will see the automatic producing line of mid-day meals, which brings scales of economics, strict and advanced standards. Human controls the time, temperature and water needed only, which highlights higyien requirements.

蔬菜正在进入锅中。/ the cut vegetables are poured into the boiler.

这一张图,是否像融化巧克力的机器在运作呢?/does it resemble the scene of melting machine for chocolate liquids?

The ready-made food pass through the similar pipe into the first floor. The staff needs to place the container below something like taps to fill it. Then the containers filled with food are delivered by conveyor belt 

and load the vehicles by the staff.

A  vehicle’s capacity feeds about 10-15 schools.

The container can assure the food inside warm for 6 hours so that when the meals reach the children, they are of heat.

工作人员正在向锅炉中加燃料,因为煤的价格太高,AKSHAYA PATRA只能烧这种用木材加石头等混合的燃料。
The staff is adding some funnels-----due to the high price of coals, the kind of funnel mixed of woods, stones, and other stuff is used in AKSHAYA PATRA.

我们的参观结束了。每一天,AKSHAYA PATRA的爱心午餐就这样生产出来,到达每一个需要的孩子的手中。同时,爱心午餐是经过了ISO体系认证的~
Our visit finished today. Every morning, the mid-day meals are cooked as these steps, then reach to children's hands.
The meals are certified by the ISO system.