
AKSHAYA PATRA的数字故事/Some figures about Akshaya Patra

Some figures about Akshaya Patra
Akshaya Patra reaches out to 1,298,049 children in 18 locations across 8 states of India, providing them with freshly cooked meal on all school days. Currently, we implement the mid-day meal program in 8,258 schools of the country, with plans to increase that number to hundreds more.
   Akshaya Patra遍及印度8个州,共建立了18处厨房,项目惠及1,298,049名儿童,为儿童在校期间提供新鲜出锅的午餐。目前,午餐计划共惠及到了8258所学校,并计划继续扩大学校数量。

·                   8
States in India                          

·  19               19
Kitchens located in India            印度地区共19间厨房

·    8,196          8,196              
Schools Served (on March '11)     惠及8196所学校(截至2011-3

·  1,298,049    1,298,049
Enrolled Children (on March '11)   惠及1298049名儿童

·   178,956,90  178,956,903
Meals Served in 2010-11           共提供178956903顿午餐(至2010-11

·    5 Million      500
Mission for 2020                       愿景:2020年惠及500万儿童

